Poem - 'To Become Worthy of Acceptance'

Poem - 'To Become Worthy of Acceptance'

Whenever I catch a sight of myself in the silver coated mirror,

A Thank you note bears out of my young faithful heart,

As lord created me as a person, who is worthy of acceptance

who is worthy enough to be accepted by this judgmental social society,

Even if as a debt, and not a gift,

but to become worthy of acceptance is something

which manages to be a true blessing.


The present-day society glides up high in the sky,

as it elevates its rating each day,

where some people fail to reach the level,

as result they are abused, and fail to enjoy the feeling of revel,


I plea to the almighty to grant this worth to all,

or rather make people understand that

everyone is worthy of love and care,

everyone is worthy of acceptance,

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